Managing Your Kingdom

Development Screen

Selecting "Manage Your Kingdom" from the kingdom menu will take you to an overview of your realm. From here, you can move the cursor to an empty plot or a facility and press the [A] button to select it.

These show you how many citizens are currently assigned to the facility in question.
Facility Info.

Facility Level
Currently Assigned Citizens
The icon shows that a person is particularly suited to the facility in question.
Research Progress
Research topics completed/research topics available.
Total IQ
The total IQ in the facility's specific field of all the citizens assigned there.

Building Facilities

Each facility can only be built in a specific location. Move to the plot set aside for the facility you wish to build, and press the [A] button, then select "Build Facility" to commence construction.

Using Facilities

Press the [A] button on a facility to bring up a menu allowing you to make use of its various functions.

Assigning Citizens

A citizen can be assigned to each available slot in a facility. In facilities where research can be carried out, the total IQ of that facility will be the sum of the individual IQs of the citizens assigned there.

Personnel Slots
Here, you'll see all the citizens that have been assigned to the facility. More slots will become available as the facility is leveled up.
The Personnel List
Each facility will require citizens with IQ in one of four main fields in order to carry out research. The number to the right of each citizen on the list shows their IQ in the field that applies to the current facility. Citizens with the icon next to their name are particularly well-suited to the facility in question.
The Four Fields
: Military  : Ingenuity  : Spritecraft  : Spellcraft
Special Skills
You'll need citizens with specific skills to research certain topics.
The Experience Gauge
As a citizen spends time at a facility, they will earn experience. When the gauge is filled, the citizen can be leveled up, increasing their IQ as they progress from Beginner through Veteran to Master status.


Research is carried out by spending kingsguilders. A given topic can only be researched if you have enough of these, as well as a set of citizens with the requisite amount of IQ assigned to the facility in question. Some topics will also have extra requirements.
Different topics take different amounts of time to research, but the higher the IQ of the citizens assigned to the task, the sooner the research will be completed. You can also spend kingsguilders to speed the process up even further.

PLEASE NOTE: Each topic at each facility can only be researched once.

Leveling Up Facilities

You can level up facilities by spending kingsguilders. However, you may need to meet certain conditions before being able to do so.

Leveling Up Your Kingdom

You can select the palace with the [A] button to see detailed information on the current status of your kingdom as a whole. Once you have met certain conditions, you'll be able to level up your realm.
Selecting "Level Up Kingdom" will cause your borders to expand, opening up new areas in which additional facilities can be built.

