The Party Menu

Screen Layout

In this submenu, you can choose which party members and higgledies will join you in battle. Party members are displayed on the left, while higgledies appear to the right.

Evan and His Companions
The top three party members will take part in battle, while those below will remain in reserve, earning reduced experience. The topmost character is considered the party leader, and this is who you will control when battle begins.
To swap any two characters' positions in the lineup, simply select one and then the other.
Total Higgledy Cost/Maximum Higgledy Cost
Current Higgledy Heroes
A higgledy hero can be assigned to each of the four slots.

Changing Higgledy Heroes

To change a higgledy hero, simply select the relevant slot, then pick a higgledy from the list.
Bear in mind that each hero has an assignment cost, and that the total of your four heroes cannot exceed the maximum cost displayed at the top of the column.

Total No. of Followers/Maximum No. of Followers
This tells you how many higgledy helpers each higgledy hero has amassed. These will be depleted when your little friends are attacked by enemies in battle, but can be restored by collecting higgledy balls.
Once you have built a higglery in Evan's kingdom, you can nurture your higgledy heroes in order to increase their levels, making them all the more effective in battle.
Elemental Affinities
If a higgledy hero is associated with a particular element, the icon representing that element will appear here.
Higgledy Parameters
Here, you can check on your higgledies' personalities, and also take a look at their offensive and defensive capabilities. Their various skills and abilities are listed beneath, and you can cycle through these with the [Y] button to learn more about them.
Abilities (Top Left, Top Right) These are abilities that the higgledy in question will use automatically in battle.
Special Commands (Bottom Left) Special skills that can be activated by pressing the [A] button.
Awakening Skills (Bottom Right) Special skills that will be activated when the player is awakened.

